Emerald, Dandenong Ranges
This secluded property near Emerald in the foothills of the Dandenongs has a 7.6 hectare covenant over old growth, regrowth and planted Mountain Ash Wet Forest (EVC30) and on north facing slopes Mountain Grey Gum Damp Forest (EVC29) with many hollow-bearing trees – a key reason for the covenant. Powerful owls are regularly heard and probably nest here or nearby. Menzies Creek, a permanent stream, flows through the property. The current owners have carried out significant revegetation with 20-year support from Melbourne Water’s stream-frontage program. Wallabies, echidnas and wombats are common plus 70 bird species including recently lyrebirds.
A 190 square metre five star passive-solar architect designed house, built in 2006, has internal mud brick walls, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large open plan living area. All except for bathrooms have sweeping views of our forest as well as from a large north facing deck. There is a 2 car carport and a separate 75 square metre non-habitable 2 bedroom cottage in reasonable condition.
About a quarter of the property to the north, east and west of the house is pasture which enhances fire resilience. This area is not covered by the covenant.
Address: 22 Edenmont Road, Emerald, 3782
Total property size: 9.9 ha
Covenant size: 7.6 ha
Price and details: Please contact the landholders, David Neilson (0409 383 306 | dneilson@snowgumpress.com.au) or Karen Alexander (0439 306 829 | karen@snowgumpress.com.au)
Please see video below for more about the property.