A new Trust initiative called Iconic Estates, Eastern Forests, is working with landowners in East Gippsland to protect a range of forest types with conservation covenants, giving the habitat of native animals long term security.
The Trust’s East Gippsland Conservation Officer, Paul Harvey, said, “It’s really important that we look after the habitat of our native mammals, birds and reptiles, not just because they play an important part in the ecosystem but for future generations.
East Gippsland has an amazing diversity of forests, including threatened Rainforests, Box Forests and Grassy Forest types.
Dry forest and forests with old habitat trees are important too for a range of threatened animals such as the Southern Brown Bandicoot, Eastern Quoll, Goanna, Barking Owl and the Swift Parrot”.
Paul explained that, “The project is focused on delivering permanent protection in conjunction with landholders through conservation covenants.
These voluntary, on title agreements allow private landowners to conserve natural habitat on their properties in perpetuity protecting our heritage through successive generations”.
The Trust would like to hear from landowners in the project area (from Lake Tyers to Mallacoota).
Incentives are available to assist with covenanting and any associated fencing.
Trust for Nature is a not-for-profit organisation that was founded in 1972 to protect native plants and animals on private land.
Working with landowners and others, it has protected more than 100,000 ha. This includes more than 1,400 voluntary conservation covenants and 42 Trust for Nature reserves across Victoria.
This project has been funded by the Victorian Government’s Biodiversity Response Planning program and is helping to ensure that Victoria’s natural environment is healthy, valued and actively cared for.
Please contact the Bairnsdale Trust for Nature office if you are interested in participating in this project.
Learn more about Trust for Nature and its programmes by contacting Paul Harvey on 0447 764 669 or see our website: www.trustfornature.org.au