We all know Trust for Nature plays a long game. Covenants protect ecological assets in perpetuity.
In the Wimmera, two covenants are being negotiated which have been a long time in the making, helped along by Trust for Nature’s long term relationship with the owners.
In one case, a parcel of family-owned land was jointly owned—half was farmed and the other half was bush. One of the landowners wanted to protect the bush, while the other landowner wanted to farm. Assistance was sought to subdivide the farmland from bushland so the bushland could be protected. Due to the long relationship the Trust has with the owners, everyone felt comfortable in agreeing to subdivide and protect the bush that remained and fortunately with support from the Victorian Government’s Sustainability Fund, the Trust was able to contribute to funding the subdivision.
This resulted in the owners agreeing to put a conservation covenant on 324 ha of significant and intact habitat which has never been cleared. The native vegetation being protected provides habitat for important species such as the endangered Malleefowl.